Privacy and Security Policy

It is important to preserve the confidentiality of all information you provide to us, RESOLUTIONS maintains the following privacy principles:

1. Your personal information will only be collected and used that we believe to be relevant and required to understand your needs and to conduct our business, advice, services or offering products.

2. Our business partners or agents, if required, will only use your personal information when conducting business, advice or offering products, and as permitted by law. And such business partners or agents are strictly required to observe our policies and confidentiality obligations.

3. Your personal information will not be transmitted to any external organizations unless we have your consent or are required by law or have previously informed you.

4. We may be required from time to time to disclose your personal information to Governmental or judicial bodies, and we will only do so under proper authority and control.

5. We will endeavor to keep your personal information on our records accurate and up-to-date.

6. We maintain security systems to prevent unauthorized access to your personal information by anyone, including our staff and third parties. We will strive at all times to ensure that your personal data will be protected against unauthorized or accidental processing or erasure.

7. All practical steps will be taken to ensure that personal data will not be kept longer than necessary and that we will comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements in Hong Kong concerning the retention of personal data and information.

8. If you have any doubt related to this policy, please write to

RESOLUTIONS will ensure that we respect the trust that you have placed on us.

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HR & Business Consultancy Company Limited.. 雋思人才及商務顧問有限公司