Our Valuable Clients 尊貴的客戶…

SC Storage commissioned RESOLUTIONS on a retainer service from March 2017 to facilitate and enhance the staff morale, and conducting an Employee Opinion Surveuy.

Sunrise Duty Free Group commissioned RESOLUTIONS to partnership with them, in providing Professional HR Advice, to submit tender document to the Airport Authorities of Hong Kong for the Hong Kong International Airport Beauty and General Merchandise Duty Free Business concessions commencing end of 2017.

City Super GROUP employed RESOLUTIONS Founder to work as their Senior Head HR & Admin, overseeing their business in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Taiwan, between March and December 2016

NEO DERM GROUP in December 2015 has invited RESOLUTIONS to recommend a Proper Structure so as to set up a Structure to guide and/or regulate the Beauty Industry in Hong Kong going forward.

Hong Kong Jockey Club in December 2015 has invited RESOLUTIONS to submit a Proposal on Building a Unified and Harmonious Team at its China Operations.

The Institute of Vocational Education, or known as IVE, its Chai Wan branch, invited RESOLUTIONS to deliver a 2 hours workshop for their students on the Professional Speaking Skills and how it could be applied in the Business Meetings as well as across the Negotiation Table. The workshop was successfully presented and concluded on 14 October 2015.

CITIC Securities International Co. Ltd. in September 2015 has requested RESOLUTIONS to discuss and submit a formal Proposal on Executive Coaching.

Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation in September 2015, has invited RESOLUTIONS to formally submit a Proposal on Cultivate Corporate Culture Workshop.

EASTMAN Chemical Company is a global specialty chemical company that produces a broad range of products found in items people use every day. As a globally diverse company, Eastman serves customers in approximately 100 countries and had 2014 revenues of approximately $9.5 billion. The company is headquartered in Kingsport, Tennessee, USA and employs approximately 15,000 people around the world.

EASTMAN Chemical launched a worldwide Wellness initiative lately, and RESOLUTIONS is tasked to develop and conduct a Wellness and Managing Stress Workshop for its China office and started with Shanghai. The workshops were successfully concluded in mid-August 2015 in Shanghai, PRC.

伊士曼公司有冗長的歷史,專業生產多種的化工原材料供製造不同日用品和其他產品所需。現時是一家全球性企業並約在100國家有業務,2014年度該企業的總收益達95億美元。最近伊士曼公司為推行僱員身心健康計畫,並命雋思顧問為她旗下的中國上海分公司設計和製作一個全新的《身心健康工作坊》,並邀請雋思顧問 本年八月中到上海,負責推行及教授該工作坊。

Edipresse Media has been established in Asia since 2005, operating from its Hong Kong regional headquarters. As extracted from the company web page, the group employs more than 300 people in Asia, whose combined talents produce a diverse portfolio of luxury lifestyle magazines, websites and digital applications. Across the region, Edipresse Media Asia publishes the renowned Asia Tatler series of magazines and websites. Tatler in Asia is synonymous with high society, luxury lifestyle, art, culture, fashion and exquisite taste. Other Edipresse Media magazines include Revolution, Home Journal, Tatler Homes, Weddings, Great Wines, Society, Best Restaurants, CotaiStyle, Style, Sands Style and Landmark.

Lately Edipresse has contracted RESOLUTIONS to kick-start and launched the Company’s Vision, Mission and Values; and Workshop was conducted by RESOLUTIONS during the Company’s regional conference held at Penang in June 2015. The Company’s Executive Chairman, Michel Lamuniere has asked RESOLUTIONS to further offer strategies and recommendations to support the implementation of such.

Edipresse Media 是著明的出版商,出版高級雜誌如 Hong Kong Tatler, Home Journal, Tatler Homes, Weddings 等。該公司邀請RESOLUTIONS 雋思顧問 幫助推行企業願景、使命和價值觀等;並在檳城舉行的區域會議中 命雋思顧問主持工作坊,及日後執行的建議和工作等。


Angel Group, since established in 1979, the Company has set up many branches in Hong Kong and Macao. The business includes beauty products & cosmetics retail shops and spa centres. Lately, Angel Group had invited RESOLUTIONS to provide recommendation proposal to enhance her Human Resources Management and related matters.

The MediaLink Group, was established some 20 years ago, and is now growing into a leading Media/Entertainment Company in Asia. The Group has recently commissioned RESOLUTIONS to review its HR Policies and revise the Employees Handbook. It was successfully launched and implemented in August 2014.

羚邦影視集團有限公司在香港成立已超過20年,現以發展成亞洲首屈一指的影視娛樂公司。最近羚邦集團委託本公司RESOLUTIONS 進行政策檢討及更新顧員僱傭手冊。現已完成並於2014年8月成功推行。

香港學術及職業資歷評審局(HKCAAVQ) 是剛選用 RESOLUTIONS 服務的客戶。


Dear Wilfred,
Please let me express my thanks and gratitude for your commitment to help us in this very important exercise of reestablishing a new direction for the HKCAAVQ… We are very fortunate to have you guide us at the retreat. ‎Your contributions to the retreat success has been significant.

On behalf of the HKCAAVQ, I thank you…

Best, William
Prof. William K. M. Lee
Executive Director, HKCAAVQ

ULA Umbrella
是首位選用 RESOLUTIONS 服務的客戶

ULA Umbrella是一家雨傘生產廠商。它的設計概念和目標是希望憑著創意和努力解決一支質量精佳又平宜好用的雨傘的種種問題,用合理的價錢生產及銷售一支合乎現今社會要求所需之雨傘,從而衍生出ULA Umbrella的標語 “New Definition, New Experience”。希望消費者體驗前所未有的感覺,重拾舊日雨天中雨傘能帶來的樂趣。

Valuable Clients
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