Edipresse Media Asia has contracted RESOLUTIONS to kick-start and launched the Company’s Vision, Mission and Values; and Workshop was conducted by RESOLUTIONS during the Company’s regional conference held at Penang in June 2015. The Company’s Executive Chairman, Michel Lamuniere has asked RESOLUTIONS to further offer strategies and recommendations to support the implementation of such.
Edipresse Media 是著明的出版商,出版高級雜誌如 Hong Kong Tatler, Home Journal, Tatler Homes, Weddings 等。該公司邀請RESOLUTIONS 雋思顧問 幫助推行企業願景、使命和價值觀等;並在檳城舉行的區域會議中 命雋思顧問主持工作坊,及日後執行的建議和工作等。
Conducted Mock Interviews Workshops held at the Chinese University of Hong Kong on 20 March 2015 for Under-graduate and Post-graduate students; to help them practiced and polished their interviewing skills and preparation.
Speaker at the Hong Kong Business Leaders Programme on 19 April
Invited to speak at the Hong Kong Business Leaders Programme organized by The Phoenix Chamber on “Leading a Successful Career via Fulfilling your Mission in Life”. Examples from the Overseas and Local were used to illustrate; supported with the important elements of the Book “Who Moved my Cheese”. Also shown herewith is the Certificate of Appreciation.
Speaker at the IVE(HW) of Vocational Training Council on 31 March
Invited to speak to the students taking the Retail Operations HD programmes at the institute. The picture shows the audiences at the talk, the Principal and teaching staff. A thank you certificate was presented by the Principal Mr. Edmond YU.
Speaker at the Chinese University of Hong Kong on 28 March
Invited to speak at the University to a group of undergraduates. The Topic is Interviewing Skills Workshop, talked on the understanding of the rationale behind common interviewing questions, and the preparation for a successful interview result.
Souvenir presented after the Interviewing Skills Workshop by Mr. Derek Ho, Administrative Director of the Undergraduate Programmes, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
HR & Business Consultancy Company Limited.. 雋思人才及商務顧問有限公司